[Salon] Despite being used to it, I remain absolutely gobsmacked at the lies coming from the American government-Araud Bertrand

Despite being used to it, I remain absolutely gobsmacked at the lies coming from the American government. Anyone who pays even remote attention to the subject can see U.S. policy on China and Taiwan has changed dramatically. For one the core of the policy towards Taiwan was strategic ambiguity, meaning the US not saying if it would defend Taiwan, or not, in case of conflict. Biden has now said at 4 different occasions that the US would. Another key aspect of US policy towards Taiwan was the absence of American soldiers on the ground. They left when the US recognized the PRC as the sole legitimate government of China in 1978, 45 years ago and... came back this year when 200 US military trainers were officially announced. Or yet another key aspect of the policy was the absence of official relations between Taiwan and the US... policy shattered by Pelosi's visit to the Island in her official capacity as Speaker of the House. I could go on and on: the unprecedented arm sales to Taiwan, the constant flow of US warships in the Taiwan strait, etc. So why lie? For a very simple reason. So that when war arises, just like the Ukraine war, the US can claim it was "totally unprovoked"...

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